v1.30 - Added a bus-speed column to the video card listing. - Added a /v option for testing other video modes (VESA 256-color modes). - Added a /s option for displaying the frame count only. - Fixed a bug in the timer routine, which caused too slow results on some computers. - Video benchmarks are now more accurate than ever. - Fixed a bug in the /h option, which caused the screen to go blank after writing the help text. - Added more video cards to the list. v1.20: - Changed name to VIDBLITZ. - Modified the timing algorithm (it is a lot more accurate now). Note: v1.20 timing results cannot be directly compared to results from older versions. - Modified default CPU speed from 66 to 66.67 MHz. The /c option now accepts real numbers (e.g. /c33.33 MHz). - Added a new /m option for testing main memory. - The help screen is now printed when an invalid option is used. - More results from various video cards added to the list. v1.10: - Added /c /w /r and /h options. - Slightly modified the program output. - Added a short documentation. - Added a list of results from various video cards. - Added this history list. - Added the DOS4GW.EXE file to the package. v1.00: - Initial release